Ethereum Merge

Bodies X Wix
3 min readSep 11, 2022

What exactly happens when you take away ones ability to earn money? They’ll find new means of making money. The free market speaks!

Edit: The original video came out extremely blurry, But I was able to salvage it. I think. Here’s the video with better quality.

Edit: It didn’t help, maybe I’ll rerecord it later. First off I have to mention the “Sponsors”

If you want a TL:DR Basically when you take away somone and or some companies ability to earn money, they will seek out other means to create significant revenue. In the video I dive into certain algorithms and compre it to others. Additionally, I went to Github and just search for crypto mining. The new the search of release date, the more I knew whaty Miners were focused on. It seems that ZelHash is making quite the splash as the coin Flux with the help of miners using Zelhash are over $200% from August 26th to Sept 6. It may be slowing down now, But if you see what Zelcore is doing with their app, I believe Fkux will continue into the double digits of price.

Th rapid growth of FLUXX/USDT during the #EthMerge
FLUX/USDT ON KuCoin 2022

The Zelcore App is extremely Impressive, connecting multiple exchanges in one by using their API’s. And Just by holding 5,000 Flux in “Light Wallets”… Those wallets just became heavy. Here are aome screenshots from the app

Centralizing Dapps
Payment System

We all could see thyat LUNC/USD had quite teh run, I feel that it’s already had it’s 15 minutes of fame. However, after seeing PHNXDAO make a 150% kump, I believe we still have a long wauy to ho with Phoenix DAO.

LUNC Above vs PHNXDAO Below

Plus I like Pheonix DAO’s use case much more. And if they can do what they said they would, return $450k to those that have been scammed. IO would love be all over this token.

Tyler Edwards a.k.a. Bodies X Wix



Bodies X Wix

Smart Money, Institutional Technical Trader in . Working with an Artist to create NFT’s. Educating and signaling Smart Money Trades.